fide test

Apr. 23, 2025 - Apr. 25, 2025

Here you can register for the fide test on the CEFR levels A1 to B1. Please register at the latest 3 weeks before the date.The part Speaking and Understanding can be completed on a different level than the part Reading and Writing. The content is customised to Swiss every-day life. You will receive the results of the fide test, the Language passport and the certificate via post.

Offer: fide test
Time commitment: Speaking and Understanding: 50 minutes, Reading and Writing: 75 minutes (approx. 15 minutes introduction, 60 minutes test)
Exam times: individual times between 8.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m
Registration deadline: up to 3 weeks before the exam (including cost approval, if the costs are covered by a referring agent)
Childcare: no

You can register for the entire fide test or for either one of the parts (Speaking and Understanding or Reading and Writing). You can repeat the fide test as a whole (as well as the oral part or the written part individually) as often as you like.

You can find a fide model test and an explanatory video here:

Complete examination (oral and written parts): CHF 250.– 
Oral examination: CHF 170.– 
Written examination: CHF 120.– 

Please read the regulations for participation in the fide test before registering. You will find the regulations here  .

K5 Basler Kurszentrum A crowd gathered in front of a blackboard.

Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Call us on 061 365 90 20


Standard registration form fide-Test participants

Mediating authority

Name and address

Residence permit

Complete fide test or partial examination

Previous German courses and fide test


General terms and conditions

Regulations for the participation in the fide test
General terms and conditions
Supported by:

About us

Through language and interaction we encourage the social and professional integration of immigrants, thus creating the basis for a shared future.


K5 Basel Course Center
Gundeldingerstrasse 161
CH-4053 Basel


© K5 Basel Course Center